Learn to take scroll-stopping photos

Do you wish you could take photos of your art that actually shows how it looks? And would you like to share your work on social media without hitting that algorithm wall with no engagement? In this course, you will learn exactly that. How to take incredible photos of your art using your phone, how to tell the story behind in pictures and words, and how to share it with the world on social media while building an engaged following.

Close your eyes for a second. I’ll tell you a story of back when I started painting and sharing my work on Instagram.

I painted a lot. And I wanted to share my work.

I took pictures of my artwork where I had the most light.

Under lamps, in every window, I could find.

I needed some kind of background so I used the floor, cloth, a table. Everything really to capture the beauty of the art.

When I was satisfied I took my phone and pressed the button.

And BAM!

A dark picture with colors either dull or too yellow.

I tried to edit it in the Instagram app which made them pretty overexposed but I just really wanted to share the work.

But sharing it on Instagram was such a struggle because I hit a wall of no likes, no comments, and no followers. I thought, maybe this painting thing is not for me.

Maybe they don’t think I am good enough.

Do you recognize this scenario? 

Then, first of all, I want to tell you - You ARE good enough!

And the world deserves to see your art!

In fact, they are actually already waiting for you!

Now imagine this:

In just a few hours you’ll know how to:

  • Take incredible photos that highlight your art, using just your phone
  • Tell the story behind and make engaging posts
  • Set up your Instagram to really shine and inspire new followers
  • Nurture the algorithm so you don’t hit that wall
  • Get your first 100 followers that actually like, comment and saves your work!
  • Engage in the wonderful and supportive art community on Instagram

The good news is that you are actually very close to this now.

Learn in steps how to take scroll-stopping pictures of your art, that actually show your art and tells a story

Learn to nurture the algorithm to get wonderful and engaging followers.

Learn to really embrace yourself as an artist and telling your story to inspire others to follow along on your artistic journey.

I promise you.

After you watched the course (and practiced what you learned) You will be able to take photographs you are super proud of, you’ll be sharing them from a beautiful and inspiring profile on Instagram and you’ll see more and more engagement.

And one more promise, it only gets more and more fun to share ❤

Your instructor

(who is walking the talk as you read)

I would never make a course like this if I hadn’t taken the steps myself. As an artist, I have been sharing my work on Instagram for 4 years and have slowly build a community of more than 60k wonderful and supportive followers. The best part is, they are all so sweet, liking, commenting, answering questions, and saving posts. I couldn’t ask for more. And this is what I want for you too!

So is this course for you? Well let’s see

  1. Are you an artist creating beautiful paintings?
  2. Do you struggle with taking nice pictures of your art?
  3. Do you want to share your art with the world, but don’t really know where to start?
  4. You want to feel like people actually see you on social media

If you can say yes to those points, chances are pretty good that this course is exactly what you need. 

Too many artists take horrible and boring pictures of their art, please don’t be like that!

Your investment in the next step of your artistic journey where you finally get to share your beautiful art with the world.

(This is like the price of that dress that you’ll buy but never wear because it didn’t really fit. But investing in this course will fit. Because this highlights YOU, your art, and your story and makes you shine.)

Are you still in doubt?

Then here are 3 strong arguments for yourself (or your husband)

  1. You finally get to show your art to the world (and who knows who will see?) This might result in you starting to sell your work or getting contacted by brands wanting to gift your brushes and stuff!
  2. Instagram is the most fun platform with amazing and supportive artists from all over the world. You have to join the party.
  3. You get lifetime access to the course and have a 30-day money-back guarantee.