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Floral March
I am SO happy you are here! We are going to have so much fun!
What you will need this month
The Fab Promptlist
Share your work with others
We start on March 1st.
2 small gifts for you 🌱
Bonus video: Drawing flowers from different angles (29:44)
Bonus video: Snowdrops in line and wash as well as loose watercolor (42:55)
Day 1-7 Let's get this party started!
1. Magnolia (21:39)
2. Pansy (17:07)
3. Snowdrop (17:23)
4. Daffodil (15:35)
5. Crocus (19:09)
6. Tulip (27:46)
7. Grape Hyacinth (14:26)
Day 8-14
8. Lilac (12:42)
9. Forest Anemone (17:22)
10. Eranthis (12:56)
11. Apple Blossom (17:49)
12. Iris (12:18)
13. Lily of the Valley (14:01)
14. Forsythia (8:20)
Day 15-21 You Can do it!
15. Lenten Rose (24:53)
16. Hyacinth (13:21)
17. Primrose (16:22)
18. Bluebell (12:19)
19. Freesia (17:35)
20. Allium (13:48)
21. Foxglove (18:04)
Day 22-28 Almost there
22. Colombine (9:37)
23. Starflower (17:04)
24. Frittilaria (17:13)
25. Forget me not (11:00)
26. Bleeding hearts (17:17)
27. Geranium (9:55)
28. Bridal Crown Daffodil (12:21)
Day 29-31 Aaaah the homestretch 🥳
29. Trillium (17:45)
30. Pulmonaria (13:30)
31. Phlox (12:15)
What's next?
A special gift for your next step
Teach online with
13. Lily of the Valley
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